Rants and raves, random thoughts and totally biased opinions from a guy with just enough free time. Music, architecture, pop culture, sports....
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Ashes of American Flags
Putting all other things aside momentarily, when your favorite band is set to release a new album, a concert DVD and most certainly at least one opportunity to see them perform live sometime this year, things can't be all bad. Early reports on the DVD are good; it's already won an award for cinematography. See the trailer here:
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Food For Thought
There are 13,000 Yellow Taxis in New York City, that combined drive over 1 BILLION Miles each year.
Currently 92% of these Taxis are Crown Victorias, getting a measly 12 miles per gallon.
Imagine if all the Taxis were hybrids - 72 million gallons of gasoline a year would be saved. That's the goal of TAXI07
This blog will occasionally contain links to mp3 music files. My sole intention is to share some great music and encourage folks to purchase more if they like what they hear. The files will be posted for a limited time only. If you own the copyright to the music and would like me to pull the files, please contact me and I will comply.